Letter from the Editor
The meaning of "home" has always confounded me. I wonder whether "home" is where we find true belonging or simply the place we have inhabited for the longest time. In a physical sense, Seoul is my home. I have lived in the same neighborhood for over ten years now and can magically find my way back regardless of how far away I am. But in a metaphorical sense, literary magazines and online writing communities are where I feel real warmth and belonging.
The Hanok Review came about at a point in my life when everything was crumbling. After experiencing severe burnout, I needed to redirect my purpose in life. The Hanok Review commenced as part of my efforts to self-rediscovery and healing—or as my beloved eighth-grade English teacher wrote in a recent letter, "Beauty as an act of war." But the journal has since blossomed into a means of greater import: a platform of transcultural connection between Korean poets and English-speaking readers worldwide.
In many ways, I was lucky. I had only joined Twitter a few months before starting The Hanok Review; despite my ill-timing, the online literary community wholeheartedly supported my endeavors, ultimately connecting me with a brilliant team of poetry editors, interviews editors, and translators. I am eternally grateful to my team for seeing me through every step of the way and tirelessly working to bring Korean literature to the forefront of the literary community.
I dearly thank everyone who contributed to our inaugural issue and for entrusting us to "house" your work. The Hanok Review is for every drifting Korean poet out there seeking refuge for their precious words. I hope our inaugural issue serves as a segue into exploring the larger realm of Korean poetry and moves you to embark on this journey with us as a future contributor.
Nicole Hur
Nicole Hur